Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage involves elongated, flowing massage strokes that help improve circulation, reduce pain and ease joint stiffness. This massage should leave you feeling relaxed and at peace with the world.

The Practitioner uses long strokes, kneading techniques, deep circular movements, vibration and tapping techniques to focus on and relieve myofascial trigger points, also known as ‘muscle knots’. Swedish Massage can be relaxing or therapeutic, both types of massages are available at East Sussex Massage.

Swedish, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point, Sports Massage, Relaxation Massage and Massage for Pregnant Ladies are all based on the extensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology and can enhance the quality of life, both mentally and physically. Recent studies have shown massage helps to improve health; for example, it has been shown that high blood pressure can be reduced by massage. The latest research has also shown that changes can take place in the structure and chemistry of muscles that have been massaged.

What to expect

On the first visit, a case history will be taken. The client will be asked about their symptoms, medical history and desired outcome of the treatment. This enables our massage therapists to tailor each session to the client’s individual needs and enables a suitable treatment plan to be devised.

Typically, the patient lies on the massage table, in either loose-fitting clothing or undressed (covered with a towel, except for the area being massaged). The practitioner uses oil, lotion, massage wax or talcum powder to reduce friction on the skin. All products used are organic, of the highest quality available and most are of edible quality.


If massage therapy is performed by a trained therapist and appropriate precautions are followed then massage has minimal risks, but it is important to drink sufficient water after the treatment.

I was very anxious to have anyone treat my baby boy but Chantal put us and our baby at ease

I was very anxious to have anyone treat my baby boy but Chantal put us and our baby at ease by explaining everything thoroughly and being very gentle and kind. She checked we were both happy with every step of the way and best of all he was much more settled after his treatment and his gunky eye cleared up straight away.


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