Canine Osteopathy and cold weather tips to keep your dog healthy

Canine Osteopathy works with the same principles as human Osteopathy. By assessing, diagnosing, treating and preventing, Osteopaths can help with a wide range of health problems. Osteopaths look at the dog’s body as a whole and treat the underlying problem to restore balance and ease. During the winter months especially, our beloved pets and working dogs can be particularly susceptible to injury and health problems. It’s more important than ever in these colder months, to look after our furry friends. 

We are increasingly treating high numbers of dogs in the clinic with injuries from slipping on ice, arthritis caused by wet fur not being dried properly and even as the result of ball throwers. With just a few simple steps you can protect your dog from harm and reduce their risk of injury.

What you can do to keep your dog healthy

Things to avoid 

If you are at all worried about your dog’s health, please get in touch to book a canine osteopathy appointment after consulting your vet. Before an appointment can be made, your vet must fill out the Veterinary Consent Form and attach any relevant medical history to help in the examination and treatment of your dog.



You can now book appointments and buy vouchers online!