Musculoskeletal pain explained

Musculoskeletal injuries affect the body’s movement and musculoskeletal system. This includes the bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons and ligaments as well as other connective tissues. Sprains, dislocations, fractures, falls, car accidents and direct blows to muscle make up the most likely causes of musculoskeletal pain. 

Pain within the musculoskeletal system can be varied and is sometimes hard to pinpoint. Injuries, although the most common cause, aren’t always to blame. It can also originate from overuse or poor posture linked to our daily working conditions. Lower back pain is the most common form of musculoskeletal pain diagnosed in today’s Western Society. 

There are more than 150 musculoskeletal disorders that affect the body in different ways, including osteoporosis, arthritis and gout to just name a few. 

Other examples of musculoskeletal pain include: 

Symptoms and pain can range from mild discomfort to severely affecting your daily life.

Diagnosis from a medical professional will pinpoint the specific location of the pain. Sometimes pain can also be felt in a different part of the body to the injured area, this is known as referred pain.

Treatment and recovery times for musculoskeletal injuries may vary depending on the severity and location of damage. Your osteopath can help to aid the body’s natural healing abilities and bring balance back to the body through structural osteopathic treatments.

Home exercises are given alongside your Osteopath treatment to continue to work into the areas of your body that need attention.

When exercising, make time to warm up and cool down. Always listen to your body to move within your capacity. A healthy diet with regular exercise will keep muscles, bones and joints strong and in good stead to avoid injuries.  It will also reduce the risk of developing a musculoskeletal disorder in the future.

Always consult your Osteopath or GP If you have pain that is severe or prolonged.

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